La IA Aplicada en El Control de Acceso

AI applied to control access

Control access systems have been in operation for several years now. However, thanks to recent technological advancements, we can now find numerous tools that enhance our safety and security. This is where artificial intelligence plays a crucial role, as it provides secure solutions that will continue to improve over time.

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IME Applied to Medicine: The Future of Medical Devices

In today’s world, the realm of wearables and, more importantly, medical devices, has undergone a remarkable transformation, largely propelled by printed electronics and innovations like IME (In Mold Electronics). These innovations are ushering in a new era, imbuing these devices with heightened intelligence, enhanced functionality, and aesthetic allure.

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inyeccion de plasticos en la automoción

Plastic injection in the automotive industry

The automotive sector is experiencing increasingly frequent and innovative changes. In this regard, the use of plastic injection for manufacturing parts is very common as it can adapt to the sector’s needs. This is where the importance of plastics in automotive lies.

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