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The smart home is a rapidly growing trend that has experienced significant exponential growth. It is expected that by the year 2024, this sector will experience an increase of up to 300%, driven by all the benefits it provides.

These advantages revolve around comfort, sustainability, and energy efficiency, in addition to controlling everything that happens within the home and providing a higher level of security to the residence. This means you won’t have to worry if you left any appliances on at home.

And although creating a smart home can be somewhat expensive, in the long run, it leads to significant cost savings, as it will be much easier to closely monitor aspects such as energy and water consumption. With this in mind, let’s now analyze the latest trends in home technology.

The smart home

The trends in home technology revolve around integrating multi-platform systems that allow connection between different devices, not only in terms of security but also in terms of visualization and comfort. In this way, it is possible to create a smart home that adapts to the requirements of each person.

These features will be strengthened thanks to access from any mobile device, computer, tablet, etc. With this, the user will have greater convenience and will be able to manage their home from wherever they are.

Smart team affiliation

To create a connected home, a complete mechanism will be developed to connect all the mentioned electronic devices that were not interconnected in previous years. Now, they can be used in a unified manner under a single system that will be accessible to all family members.

Smart cameras

Thanks to improved image quality and increased speed in indoor and outdoor video cameras, they will be able to capture highly detailed images. This way, it will be possible to observe everything that happens in the home 24/7.

In addition to that, the cameras will feature video analytics and smart alerts, which will notify when any movement is detected. It will also be possible to include features for accompanying and caring for elderly individuals, monitoring children and pets. All of this aims to provide remote and reliable surveillance.

Remote home control

It will be possible to monitor and manage the home remotely with a high level of reliability for all connected devices, regardless of the user’s location, at any time. It will be possible to control the temperature, view surveillance cameras, turn lights on and off, open and close doors, among other functions.

Security against cyber-attacks

In order to protect connected homes against cyber attacks and safeguard both the connected devices and the privacy of the family, a cyber-secure environment will be created. This will serve as protection against hackers or viruses. Additionally, it will be useful for monitoring digital activity on the internet, providing the user with the assurance of being secure in their home.

¿Qué son los electrodomésticos inteligentes?

Los electrodomésticos inteligentes son aquellos que poseen mecanismos de domótica, por lo cual ofrecen un sistema automático para su funcionamiento. Estos aparatos son destinados a emplearse dentro del hogar y hoy en día podemos encontrar esta tecnología en equipos como lavadoras, televisores, frigoríficos, etc. 

Dichos aparatos pueden gestionarse a distancia usando teléfonos inteligentes, ordenadores, tablets e incluso asistentes virtuales mediante la conexión a internet, usando una aplicación. Esto permite establecer una conexión entre el usuario y el electrodoméstico. 

Esta aplicación suministra información al usuario referente a distintos aspectos, como el consumo energético, tiempo de uso, programación horaria, etc. Inclusive, es capaz de mostrar al usuario qué alimentos se han acabado en la nevera. 

Ventajas de los electrodomésticos inteligentes

En cuanto a las ventajas que ofrecen los electrodomésticos inteligentes, podemos mencionar varias. El objetivo de estos equipos es facilitar las tareas cotidianas a los usuarios por medio de activación automática, avisos de mantenimiento, bloqueo en caso de avería, entre otras. Asimismo, ofrecen un consumo inteligente, por lo que el gasto energético se optimiza de una mejor forma y existe un mayor nivel de seguridad. 

Dentro de este último aspecto también podemos considerar a los diferentes sensores que se conectan entre sí, tales como los sensores de humo, cámaras de seguridad con sensores de movimiento, sistemas de iluminación, etc. Los fabricantes son cada vez más exigentes debido a la competitividad que existe en la actualidad, por lo que siempre deben estar a la vanguardia y resolver desafíos en cuanto a tamaño, diseño y fiabilidad de los equipos. 

En este sentido, IDELT es el principal aliado de distintos fabricantes de componentes inteligentes. No nos limitamos a generar soluciones funcionales, también acompañamos a nuestros clientes desde el desarrollo de la idea, resolviendo necesidades de diseño, prototipado e industrialización de componentes. 

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