Test antígenos digital

IDELT participates in the full design of an innovative high-precision antigen test

IDELT participates in the full design of an innovative high-precision antigen test 

28 April of 2022

IDELT has been actively involved in all phases of design, prototyping and production of an innovative digital antigen test that is set to transform diagnostic processes using a test strip analysis system.

To develop this device, called QASSAY®, IDELT has collaborated with the company P4Q, a leading original design manufacturer (ODM) of photovoltaic solar tracking controllers and high precision digital diagnostic tests, in the conception of the project with a very definite goal: to conceive, design and develop the most attractive and functional proposal for the outer casing and inner parts of the system. The Basque company has remained in permanent contact with its technical partner to learn first-hand about its preferences and design needs, and has provided its specialized know-how in plastic products to complement the technical solution, accompanying it throughout the process. At

Specifically, IDELT has developed, prototyped, painted and typeset the customizable aesthetic parts, and made the injection molds for the structural interior parts, while P4Q has developed the algorithm, the system, the functionality, the electronics, the software, the app and the rest of the technical components of QASSAY®. All in record time.

The QASSAY® lateral flow reader is an innovative, highly accurate and fast diagnostic testing device that offers a complete test strip analysis system. This solution is capable of performing a complete analysis of data collected from diagnostic tests with machine learning capabilities, and hosting it on an internal secure cloud platform.

The QASSAY® diagnostic device is currently undergoing certification as a step prior to commercialization and distribution in the medical sector. This solution is fully customizable from an aesthetic point of view and can be configured according to the needs of the end customer.

IDELT‘s participation in this project is in line with the innovative strategy promoted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government, which are committed to boosting and diversifying Basque industrial activity towards differential sectors with a future projection.

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